Two Sisters. Changing Lives.

As I have sat the last few weeks at the Story of Moses practice, my heart has been overwhelmed. It is difficult to put into words the feeling that I get when I am there. From the some of the initial planning and fundraising to make this happen, to the auditions, to the practices, to the construction to now to watching it all coming together, I have watched the work and effort that has gone into this production and can not wait for it to be shared with thousands and thousands of spectators. It makes me think of some of the lives that I know have been impacted so far. What would you say if you knew that taking 100 youth to a play like this had brought over 50 decisions of those youth to live for Jesus? Keep reading to see just how two ladies have made that happen.

I will post some pictures this week to update the progress of the production but today God laid something on my heart that I wanted to write about.   It is the heart of two ladies.  Last year I had the opportunity to get an inside look at the play and took some video of the stories of some people that are involved in the play. One of the videos that was my favorite was of two sisters. Their names are Michelle Durrance and Amy Bryan. I had watched them bring child after child to the play and could not believe the difference that they were making for these children that may never have had the opportunity to attend The Story of Jesus or have their lives impacted forever. I could see the pure joy in their faces ~ no matter how many times they came. Below is their video that I wanted to share so others can see what an impact they are making.

But ~ before you watch the video ~ I have a challenge for you. There is a ministry at our Jr. High called Gear Up (a great subject for a post another day). This ministry had some funds available from a fundraiser they did and the kids were given a choice. The choice was whether to use the money for tickets to come see The Story of Moses or to purchase t-shirts for the Gear Up ministry. They voted and unanimously decided to go to the Story of Moses.  This money allowed them to purchase 20 tickets.   There are about 20-25 kids that meet regularly in the group which includes 13 student leaders.

So here is the challenge.  We want to bless them and make absolutely sure that all of these teens and leaders are able to go ~ and maybe give them some additional tickets to bring some new people that have never been able to experience a production of this magnitude.  If you watch this video and want to help them bring some teenagers to see this amazing production, we have a donor that is willing to match every donation that is made for a ticket with another ticket to allow them to purchase another 15-20 tickets. (and maybe even help them raise the money to still buy some of those shirts!!)  So take just a few minutes and watch this video and then email or call me if you would like to help them bring some of these kids to see the miracles of The Story of Moses.

Email me at or call 863-781-4850 if you would like to help these two sisters bless these children by seeing this production.  It is $17 for a ticket for these youth to go.  Don’t forget if a ticket is donated, we have a match for another ticket!  So if we raise just $170, they can take an additional 20 children!

Thank you in advance for your donations and prayers for the ministries of The Story of Moses and Gear Up, the two sisters that are making such a difference in the lives of these children and every person that will be blessed by The Story of Moses, including the cast, crew and spectators from all over the country.

For more information on the production or to purchase tickets, check out their website


2 thoughts on “Two Sisters. Changing Lives.

  1. Pingback: Story of Moses ~ #6 | The Call

  2. Pingback: This Is Us – The Call

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