Story of Moses ~ #29

Lighting.  Sound.  Special Effects.  Three things that help to capture the audience when Power & Light Productions brings to the bible to life.  The cry of a baby, music that will send chills from head to toe and the parting of the Red Sea in the middle of a cattleman’s arena.  There are so many things that make this production amazing and as I have shared, there are many people that help to make that happen.  Today’s video is of a man that helps to put together the vision that Mike has in his head and coordinate that with the lighting, sound and special effects.  The timing must be precise.  I have gotten to see behind the scenes of most aspects of the play and the last couple of weeks I had the opportunity to sit in the booth where this part of the production is managed and I again was amazed.  It is pretty awesome what a team of volunteers get together and do in this “tiny little town”.  Thankful for this team and for what they do to make this production special.

Click here to access pictures of the performances, practices and construction.

Click here to access videos from previous days!

One more night to have the opportunity to see The Story of Moses.  There are not many tickets left!  Visit their website or call 863-375-4031 to purchase tickets.  Don’t miss this chance!  You will be blessed!

One thought on “Story of Moses ~ #29

  1. We saw it last night. The whole set, music, and costumes were fabulous, but the parting of the Red Sea was beyond any words I can use to describe! Bravo!

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