Story of Moses ~ #26

Perspective.  It is amazing how that one word can change your life.  During our lives, we are often placed into circumstances beyond our control.  We are also placed into difficult positions because of our choices.  Ultimately, it is what we do with those circumstances that determines the course of our life.  We can choose to dwell in them or we can choose to use them in a positive way.   Today’s video is of a woman who has been involved in the play for 30 years and a young man that has been involved for 7 years.  She was instrumental in bringing sign interpretation to the production for every performance.  The heart and passion she has for the community of those with a hearing impairment is evident in her life.  She has also played a huge role in the lives of many, including this young man, as a teacher in our local high school, college and in this play.

When Charlie met Nancy for the first time he admits his outlook on his life was very negative.  He lived in a home with deaf parents and a deaf sister.  You will see how this amazing woman said one thing to him that changed the course of his life and his understanding of where God placed him and how to change that perspective on the circumstances of his life.  That change in perspective for him I believe has given him the ability to see things in a different light.  In talking with him ~ God showed me something very different in him ~ A young man that made a choice to be intentional about making a decision not to let anger consume him regarding his circumstances.  A young man that God will use to show others perspective in their time of need.

I received another message on perspective this weekend on Sunday in church.  Between that conversation with Charlie and the sermon, I definitely think that God was trying to show me a message this weekend to share.  The sermon by Matt Moore of Bayside Community Church was titled “Shift ~ A new perspective on relationships”.  It was specifically related to marriages and dating relationships but the message is the same. Change your perspective and it can change the course of your relationship.  Take God’s manual he gave us in the Bible and apply it to your life.  Apply 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 to your spouse.  At all times.  Not just when it is convenient or when you are getting what you need from the relationship.  It reminds me of a post that I wrote almost 2 years ago.  There is Hope.  While there have not been easy years, I am thankful for the years of struggles that have led me to the marriage and life that I have today.

Each and every one of these interviews have been so different and I have been so blessed by seeing the inside of this family.  I did not realize the impact that this one would have on me.  Most of them I initiated.  But this one was different.  Charlie had something to say.  A different perspective.  One that we share and he did not even know it.  Meeting this young man and the conversation we had quite honestly left me speechless because of the insight that he had that I too have felt and was part of the reason behind the why of these videos.  I think his observation about Mike that Nancy describes is amazing.  When you look at 30 years that a person has invested his life into a ministry that is unlike any other and has impacted hundreds of thousands of people ~ it does not come without suffering.  The facilitation of this is exhausting.  The challenges are endless.  But ~ as with every person that I speak to ~ the reward is when you see the faces of those in attendance.  The lives of the cast, crew, spectators and vendors ~ each impacted in their own way.  Some of which I hope you have gotten a glimpse of through these videos.  This one is a bit longer than some but it is worth the time to see how Nancy helped Charlie ~ through this SOJ family!

Choose your perspective.

Here are some of those individuals last weekend blessed to either be in the play or spectators because of the hard work and dedication of Nancy for the last 30 years giving them the opportunity to be able to enjoy the play because of the sign interpretation.

Click here to access pictures of the performances, practices and construction.

Click here to access videos from previous days!

One more weekend!  Just 2 nights left to have the opportunity to see The Story of Moses.  There are about 1,000 tickets left!  Visit their website or call 863-375-4031 to purchase tickets.  Don’t miss this chance!  You will be blessed

Story of Moses ~ #25

In a production of this size, with hundreds of people and animals, it requires a great deal of coordination and timing.  Every part of that coordination is crucial for the success of the production ~ Including when everyone needs to come on and off the set.  With so many people, animals and scenes, it requires precise timing so that everyone is safe and the production runs smoothly.  Today’s video is of a sweet lady who is a gatekeeper whose heart shows in her desire to help others.  She always has a smile on her face!

Click here to access pictures of the performances, practices and construction.

Click here to access videos from previous days!

One more weekend!  Just 2 nights left to have the opportunity to see The Story of Moses.  There are about 1,000 tickets left!  Visit their website or call 863-375-4031 to purchase tickets.  Don’t miss this chance!  You will be blessed!

Story of Moses ~ #24

Today’s video is a young man that has been involved in the for a few years now.  Everyone has had something so different to say in these videos but this one I have not heard before.  He loves the camels.  Definitely a great reason to come visit us in the small town of Wauchula ~ where else do you get to see camels when your a guy from Miami?  Love it!  🙂

Click here to access pictures of the performances, practices and construction.

Click here to access videos from previous days!

One more weekend!  Just 2 nights left to have the opportunity to see The Story of Moses.  There are about 1,000 tickets left!  Visit their website or call 863-375-4031 to purchase tickets.  Don’t miss this chance!  You will be blessed!

Story of Moses ~ #23

It never ceases to amaze me how God lines things up!  I have many videos that I have taken of the cast and crew and when I go to post for a day I honestly never know which one I am going to pick.  I planned to go tonight to take a video of some of those that do the sign interpretation.  The first one I looked at today was perfect.  Today’s video is of a woman that became involved with the Story of Jesus though her sign language class.  They have been a part ever since.

The young man in this video stole my heart the night I met him.  I had just recently found out that my cousin in Michigan, who has down syndrome like this young man does, had been displaced from his home because his father had fallen and became paralyzed and went into a home.  He could no longer live there on his own.  I was very emotional about it and one night found him standing by one of the entrances into the arena.  I asked him his what his name was and he told me Mike.  Later that night we were standing around the area where they baptize people after the play and he was standing with his dad.  I walked up and said “Hey Mike”!  His dad looked at me a bit funny and smiled and said “his name is actually Garrett”.  He explained that during the play, he often changes her name to Mike because he loves Mike Graham (the visionary and producer behind all of this) so much.  I found out later he loves to change his name ~ so you never know what it will be!  During this video it was Jack.

Garrett loves being a part of these productions.  It is a huge highlight of his life to give him something to be involved in.  It is often difficult for families with children or adults who have disabilities to get involved with things.  They sometimes think they can not be involved because of the limitations that they have or the extra care that may be needed.  This SOJ family has embraced this family and everyone loves Garrett.  While Garrett knows where he is supposed to go and what his parts are, there are also amazing people that when his parents are playing their roles, they make sure to make sure he is in the right place at the right time.  Garrett is a bright light light in this play for me and for many.

It is a powerful ministry ~ just like this precious lady describes!! 🙂

I also wanted to share some pictures of Garrett from last year.  The top right is Garrett and his dad watching the baptisms.  The ones on the bottom are Garrett during the play with the sweet lady who helps to make sure he gets where he needs to go during the production.

Click here to access pictures of the performances, practices and construction.

Click here to access videos from previous days!

There are still tickets available for tonight!  Just 3 nights left to have the opportunity to see The Story of Moses.  Visit their website or call 863-375-4031 to purchase tickets.  Don’t miss this chance!  You will be blessed!

Story of Moses ~ #22

One of the words that I have repeatedly heard throughout my time spent around the production has been family.  Cast members of all ages have used this word to describe this group of people that come together each year.  This young man is about to embark on a new adventure in his life.  He will be going into the military.  Last weekend I heard about one of the children in his SOJ family that was literally in tears because he is going to be leaving.  The bond that this family has is incredible.  I am so incredibly thankful for the opportunity to see this SOJ family up close.

Click here to access pictures of the performances, practices and construction.

Click here to access videos from previous days!

Still time to get tickets for this weekend!  Only two more weekends left.  After tonight, there are just 3 nights left to have the opportunity to see The Story of Moses.  Visit their website or call 863-375-4031 to purchase tickets.  Don’t miss this chance.

Story of Moses ~ #21

Today’s video is a little different than most of the rest I have posed so far.  I had the opportunity to talk with a spectator that traveled nearly 2 hours and brought about 200 people to the play last year.  It is amazing to me the buses filled with people that come from hours away to our little town for this production.  Thankful for these groups that have helped to keep this going for 30 years and for the leaders that bring them.  This year it is a different story about Moses but the same celebration of resurrection of Jesus at the end showing our Savior.

These are just a few of the buses filled with people that attended the first night of The Story of Moses.  They come from hours away by the bus to be blessed by this production.

Click here to access pictures of the performances, practices and construction.

Click here to access videos from previous days!

Still time to get tickets for this weekend!  Only two more weekends left.  Just 4 nights to have the opportunity to see The Story of Moses.  Visit their website or call 863-375-4031 to purchase tickets.  Don’t miss this chance.

Story of Moses ~ #19

Despite the trouble I had with uploading this one ~ I was finally able to get it uploaded and ready for you to watch!  Today’s video is with someone that I have known for a very long time.  He is a very loyal and dedicated person that has been involved with the crew of the play for a long time.  I am amazed that even though he has been involved for over 20 years, he has not ever gotten to watch the play in full!  (Things you just don’t think about ~ if they are involved in it, they can’t watch it!)

He feels an obligation to continue being a part of it because of a commitment he made and one night that is very important to him.  In fact, he feels like the play could very well have saved his life that night.  The day I did this was clean up day but also happened to be a very significant day for him.  He caught me totally off guard with his answer of what that day was.

Click here to access pictures of the performances, practices and construction.

Click here to access videos from previous days!

Two more weekends left.  Just 4 nights left to have the opportunity to see The Story of Moses.  Visit their website or call 863-375-4031 to purchase tickets.  Don’t miss this chance.

Story of Moses ~ #20

If you are following these videos you will notice that #19 is missing.  I am having some trouble uploading it for some reason so I am going to put up #20 and try to work on the other one.  It is a great one worth waiting for I think! 🙂

Today’s video is of a very hard working sweet lady that has been involved in the play in many aspects.  I so agree that with her reason to encourage someone to come to the play!

Click here to access pictures of the performances, practices and construction.

Click here to access videos from previous days!

Two more weekends left.  Just 4 nights left to have the opportunity to see The Story of Moses.  Visit their website or call 863-375-4031 to purchase tickets.  Don’t miss this chance.

Story of Moses ~ #18

The majority of the people in this production have not previously had any professional experience in theatre until joining the production.  Today’s video is one that has had experience in theatre for a long time and it is awesome to hear her describe the difference in her feelings about being in this production compared to all of the other things she has done previously.

Click here to access pictures of the performances, practices and construction.

Click here to access videos from previous days!

Two more weekends left.  Just 4 nights left to have the opportunity to see The Story of Moses.  Visit their website or call 863-375-4031 to purchase tickets.  Don’t miss this chance.

Story of Moses ~ #17

There are so many moving parts to these productions and it takes a lot of backstage and behind the scenes work.  Today’s video is a guy that plays lots of roles during the production.  Backstage, medic, safety and “fixing the broken stuff” ~ to name a few.  He wears lots of hats and does it with a smile ~ even with no sleep for 24 hours like in this video during cleanup.

Click here to access pictures of the performances, practices and construction.

Click here to access videos from previous days!

Two more weekends left.  Just 4 nights left to have the opportunity to see The Story of Moses.  Visit their website or call 863-375-4031 to purchase tickets.  Don’t miss this chance.