Story of Moses ~ #6

From the moment he saw the play for the first time, he insisted that night in finding someone to find out how to be a part of the cast the next year.  The video for Day #6 is an incredible young man, and in my opinion a very humble young man, that has been involved in the play for 6 years.  It is awesome to see these young leaders emerge in our schools within our youth.

Towards the end of the video, he mentions doing bible devotions at school.  I did not ask him to explain further, but I really think that this is a big deal that I want to share a little more details about, as promised in a previous post!  Seth started having these devotions at his elementary school in 5th grade 3 times a week when he was 11 years old.  He was preparing and doing all the devotions himself at that time.  There were anywhere from 30-60 children that were attending.

When moving to the Jr. High, he continued having them and started out with about 10 students and it has grown to 25-30 students.  His goal was always to help other students gain the confidence in sharing the gospel & making disciples.  Currently, there are other youth in the group they call “Gear Up” that have stepped up and are leading the devotions.  Now at age 14, I think he can be so proud to say that he has accomplished his goal of giving the other students confidence as he has only done the devotion a handful of times this year because there are 6-8 other students that take turns leading the devotions.  Seth ~ thank you for your obedience at such a young age.

They have given out many many Bibles, done service projects as a group and have taken over 100 students to the Story of Jesus over the years with many life changing decisions.  In fact, this year we put a little challenge in a recent post called Two Sisters. Changing Lives.  (I should add And a son/nephew to that title!! ~ lol)  Within days we met our goal and had enough money to take more students AND had donations made to purchase the shirts that they wanted!!  (Check out the post for details on that!!)  Praise God!!!


As in previous days…..

Click here to access pictures of the performances, practices and construction.

Click here to access videos from previous days!

You have 8 chances left to watch it over the next 4 weekends!!  Visit their website or call 863-375-4031 to purchase tickets.  Seats are filling up!

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